Selamat Datang di Blog Unifam Strawberry, Jika anda ingin berkonsultasi seputar budi daya stroberi silahkan menghubungi kami. Dengan senang hati akan kami bantu. Trima kasih

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Selamat Datang

Selamat datang di Website Konsultasi Budidaya Stroberi online. Website ini berisi informasi seputar budidaya stroberi secara lengkap. Jika anda ingin berkonsultasi silahkan menghubungi kami, dengan senang hati akan kami bantu.

Trima Kasih
Agus Candra S, SP
Dadan Suherlan
Konsultan Unifarm Stroberi

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Film Coklat Stroberi (Stroberi pun jadi judul Film)

Sesuai judulnya film ini mengisahkan senang sudahnya atau perjuangan hidup. Kadang semanis coklat dan tak jarang pula seasam stroberi. Film ini mengisahkan sepenggal kehidupan Key (Nadia Saphira) dan Citra (Marsha Timothy). Dua sahabat yang mencari peruntungan di Jakarta. Mereka mengontrak rumah untuk dijadikan tempat tinggal bersama.

Aktivitas mereka sehari-hari adalah mahasiswi yang nyambi bekerja. Citra bekerja di sebuah distro dan Key sedang berjuang untuk menjadi pemain sinetron. Karena masalah keuangan, Key tidak bisa membayar kontrakan. Apalagi kontrak sinetron yang menjadi harapan terakhirnya untuk mendapatkan uang, gagal. Dan produsernya punya maksud terselubung sehingga membuat Key kabur

Ibu Ratna (Tike Priatnakusuma) sang pemilik kontrakan yang sudah bosan dengan seribu satu alasan Key. Akhirnya memutuskan memasukkan dua orang cowok sepantaran mereka untuk ikut kontrak di tempat tinggalnya. Tujuannya meringankan biaya hidup Key dan Citra. Mereka adalah Nesta (Nino Fernandez) dan Aldi (Marrio Merdhithia).

Kehadiran dua cowok itu membawa warna baru dalam kehidupan Key dan Citra. Tapi di balik itu semua ada sesuatu yang dirahasiakan oleh Nesta dan Aldi. Rahasia apa yang sebenarnya mereka sembunyikan?

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Wellcome to Our Farm "unifarm stroberi"

Unifarm stroberi merupakan farm stroberi yang terletak di daerah cipanas cianjur jawa barat. Budidaya stroberi di farm ini dilakukan secara hidrofonik lahan terbuka. Kenunikan di farm ini kami mengembangkan nutrisi sendiri hasil dari penelitian dan percobaan, sehingga kami berhasil melahirkan nutrisi UNIGROW nutrisi pertumbuhan cair dengan kandungan hara makro dan mikro yang dikembangkan oleh Bapak Dadan Suherlan, beliau adalah expert di bidang nutrisi tanaman stroberi ini, karena sebelumnya beliau telah lama bekerja di perusahaan Belanda di bidang Hidrofonik, sehingga beliau bisa meracik dan menciptakan komposisi nutrisi yang tepat dan seimbang sehingga menghasilkan tanaman stoberi rajin berbuah, buah menjadi berwarna merah, buah harum, dan pertumbuhan tanaman yang baik. Kami pun mengembangkan varietas stroberi Introduksi dari luar negeri dengan ciri : Buah besar, tahan lama, buah keras dan tidak mudah rusak. Jika anda memerlukan konsultasi lebih lanjut mengenai nutrisi ini dan berminat membeli UNIGRAW NUTRITION silahkan menghubungi kami di 08164634032 (Mr. Dadan Suherlan Strawberry nutrision expert)

Jual Nutrisi Stroberi

Unigrow merupakan nutrisi stroberi yang sangat baik untuk mempercepat pembuahan stroberi, memaniskan rasa stroberi, serta membuat tanaman stroberi rajin berbuah. Nutrisi ini dibuat dengan kandungan unsur hara yang lengkap baik hara makro dan mikro yang diperlukan bagi pertumbuhan stroberi. Belum banyak nutrisi yang beredar di pasaran khusus spesifik untuk tanaman stroberi ini. Maka jika anda ingin memaniskan tanaman stroberi anda dan ingin membuat tanaman stroberi rajin berbuah. Silahkan memesan kepada kami di UNIFARM STROBERY. Nutrisi ini kami jual seharga RP. 15.000/liter. Jika anda berminat silahkan menghubungi Bapak Dadan Suherlan (08164634032). Trimakasih

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Agrowisata Strawberry Jadi Tempat Liburan Alternatif

Minggu, 10 Desember 2006 15:05
Agrowisata Strawberry Jadi Tempat Liburan Alternatif - Agrowisata strawberry (stroberi) di Parompong, Lembang Bandung menjadi tempat liburan alternatif yang ramai dikunjungi masyarakat Bandung dan sekitarnya, bahkan juga wisatawan lokal dari Bogor, Bekasi dan Jakarta.
"Setiap libur akhir pekan Sabtu dan Minggu pengunjung yang datang ke agrowisata stroberi lebih ramai dibandingkan hari biasa," kata Usep, pegawai kebun stroberi "VSO" di Parompong, Lembang Bandung, Minggu.

Menurut dia, pada hari libur akhir pekan jumlah pengunjung mencapai ratusan orang, dan pada liburan panjang bisa mencapai hingga ribuan orang per hari.

"Kadang-kadang ada juga pengunjung yang datang langsung dari luar Jawa seperti dari Bali dan Sumatra," ujar Usep.

Sementara itu Milki, seorang pengunjung asal Jalan Indramayu, Menteng Jakarta Pusat mengatakan, dirinya baru pertama kali datang ke kebun stroberi ala Kalifornia tersebut.

Ia tertarik untuk datang karena mendapatkan secangkir jus stroberi sebagai pengganti biaya masuk, juga dapat membeli stroberi dengan cara memetik sendiri dengan sesuka hati dari pohonnya.

"Saya suka stroberi, kabarnya stroberi disini adalah stroberi aplikasi dari Kalifornia dengan sistem budidaya secara vertikal dan horizontal," katanya

Hal senada dibenarkan Usep. Dia mengatakan, dengan cara Kalifornia, kelebihan nutrisi pada tanaman akan berputar dan ditampung kembali di tangki. Prinsip kerjanya mirip "closed system" pada tambak udang.

"Dengan cara ini jika salah satu unsur nutrisi kurang, komputer langsung memberitahu tanpa perlu menunggu keluarnya gejala kekurangan nutrisi pada tanaman," jelas Usep.

Sementara itu Nuning, pengunjung lain dari Depok mengatakan, dirinya sudah lima kali datang ke agrowisata stroberi ala Kalifornia itu.

"Agrowisata sroberi ini cocok menjadi tempat liburan alternatif. Di samping hawa yang sejuk dan area yang luas, kami juga dapat melihat berbagai view lainnya seperti sawah dan berbagai tanaman palawija, apalagi di sini tersedia fasilitas bermain untuk anak-anak," katanya. (*/erl)

Sumber :
technorati tags

Friday, July 11, 2008

Kuliner Stroberi

California Strawberries
The Ripe Ingredient Recipe Search Appetizers Beverages Breads Cakes & Pies Desserts Entrees Salads Soups Foodservice Healthy Choices Miscellaneous

Strawberry Shrimp Ceviche

¾ pound cooked peeled shrimp
1½ cups peeled seeded diced cucumber
¾ cup diced red onion
1½ tablespoons chopped, seeded jalapeno peppers
1½ cups (about ¼ pound) quartered, stemmed California strawberries
3 tablespoons chopped cilantro

Ceviche Dressing
¼ cup chopped, stemmed California strawberries
¼ cup chopped plum tomato
2 tablespoons olive oil
4 teaspoons fresh lime juice
4 teaspoons red wine vinegar
2 teaspoons chopped, seeded jalapeno peppers
1 teaspoon sugar
½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

To make Ceviche dressing: in blender or food processor, purée all ingredients until smooth. In large bowl, toss shrimp, cucumber, onion and peppers with Ceviche dressing. Refrigerate, covered, at least 30 minutes but no more than 4 hours. Just before serving, add strawberries and cilantro; mix gently but thoroughly. Makes 6 appetizer servings.

Nutritional Information
Nutrition Information Per Serving 139 calories; 6 g fat; 86 mg cholesterol; 287 mg sodium; 9 g carbohydrate; 2 g fiber; 13 g protein

Strawberry from Nongkojajar

Farmers in Nangkojajar, a hilly area in the Bromo-Tengger national park in East Java, grow an abundance of fresh produce that is sold in markets across Java and in Bali. Some of the best vegetables grown in the area include cabbage, broccoli, carrot, potato, lettuce, aubergine and beet varieties, to mention a few. But despite the fertile soil and fresh mountain air, farmers in Nangkojajar, it seems, have given little attention to growing fruit varieties. That was before Subagyo came along. Subagyo, a 67-year-old researcher from Pasuruan, in East Java, managed to establish his own strawberry farm. Speaking from his strawberry fields in Nangkojajar regency, Subagyo said he decided to start a strawberry farm after hearing complaints from tourists and visitors over the limited varieties of fruit from the area. Subagyo, who has a passion for research into high-yielding fruit hybrids, said he knew this open niche in the fruit market required a fast-yielding crop with sustainable output over a fix period of time.

The strawberry, a low-growing crop that can be harvested on a daily basis over a period of two years, seemed to be the right choice according to Retno K. Djojo.

Subagyo set about collecting information about strawberry cultivation from libraries and consulting agriculturists at the Institute of Science in Surabaya. His farm, comprising 2,500 square meters, now boasts some 10,000 strawberry plants growing in neat rows, which are already producing some 200 kilograms of fruit per week. The fruit is sold at markets in Batu and Malang.

Subagyo is now looking to expand his farm to meet the demand for one ton of strawberries per week for markets in Malang, Surabaya and Bali. He has developed a nursery with young plants and hopes to encourage Nangkojajar farmers to cultivate his cross-breed hybrids from his nursery.

His hybrid strawberries, a combination of a local strawberry variety and imported seeds from Japan, the Netherlands and the U.S., have a fine texture and are compatible to the U.S.-Virginia variety in terms of sweetness.

His success at testing this fruit crop has caught the attention of local apple growers who have suffered severe financial losses following harvest failures.

Subagyo hopes Nangkojajar will become known for its superior quality strawberries, which will help improve the livelihoods of local farmers.

He is also working on developing a local ginseng variety and has studied the research of Dutch biologist Jackwell D’Albuquerque, who succeeded in developing a local variety of ginseng called Talinum paniculata. The local breed was tested in 1915 but efforts at further developing it ceased and the plant became extinct.

Subagyo is taking up the challenge and has discovered a local variety of ginseng in Nangkokajar. Lab tests reveal the local variety contains a high level of nitrogen, a chemical substance essential for good biological growth.

Subagyo hopes the local ginseng will one day be comparable to that from Korea and China. If so, the amount of imported ginseng from these countries could be reduced as Nangkojajar farmers become major suppliers of the medicinal plant.

Rearing of new variety of strawberry. Test on regional adaptability of improved variety line of strawberry. Characteristics of strawberry "Shizuoka No

Accession number;99A0533077
Title;Rearing of new variety of strawberry. Test on regional adaptability of improved variety line of strawberry. Characteristics of strawberry "Shizuoka No.12". (Shizuoka Agricultural Exp.Stn.S)
Author;TAKEUCHI TAKASHI(Shizuoka Agric. Exp. Stn.) OTSUKA TOSHIO(Shizuoka Agric. Exp. Stn.)
Journal Title;Shizuokaken Nogyo Shikenjo Shiken Kenkyu Seika no Gaiyoshu

Journal Code:J0348A


Figure&Table&Reference;FIG.2, TBL.5
Pub. Country;Japan
source :

New variety of strawberry helps season get going

Friday, June 06, 2008
By DEAN BAKER, Columbian staff writer

A variety of strawberry relatively new to this area has ripened quickly despite a relentlessly wet, gloomy spring, allowing the fresh-strawberry season to begin Thursday in Southwest Washington.

Despite the appearance of berries of the Honeoye variety, the season is beginning at least two weeks later than last year. Harvest won’t move into full swing before late next week at the earliest, growers said.

“We just started picking today,” said George Hoffman, who has 65 acres of berries in Clark County.

“Jerry Dobbins started fresh-market berries, too,” he said, pointing to the biggest grower in Cowlitz County. “We need some more sun, though. The berries are a little on the sour side. They need a little more sugar,” said Hoffman.

Sun brings sweetness.

At Felida Red Barn, 1915 N.W 119th St., store manager Amy Yost was selling Hoffman’s berries Thursday for $2.50 a pint, $11.50 a half flat and $19.95 a flat. At Dobbins Farm in Woodland, fresh-market picking also began, Dobbins said. Individual orders were being taken at the farm, he said.

Both Hoffman and Dobbins were able start picking Thursday because they’d planted Honeoye berries, an early variety. The Honeoyes are early but also run out quickly, said Dobbins, who grows 120 acres of strawberries at Woodland.

Most of the berries in Southwest Washington are Tillamooks or Totems.

“The main Totem fields are still looking to begin picking somewhere around June 15,” said crop consultant Tom Peerbolt, who works with Washington and Oregon growers. “Tillamook are running even later.” He said the yield didn’t appear to be abundant, “even though the plants look great.”

“We’re picking fresh-market today,” said Dobbins. “But the cannery pick won’t start until end of the next week or the first of the week after that. This cold weather has really taken its toll. I mean it is making the fruit late. The fruit looks good. My prediction is probably for a shorter-than- normal crop this year because of the weather conditions.”

In east Vancouver, Joe Beaudoin said he expects his harvest to get a slow start late this week at Joe’s Place Farms.

“I think we might get a little warm weather on the weekend, and the first real picking will probably be in the middle of next week,” he said. “We wanted to serve fresh crepes on Saturday, but I don’t think we’ll have any berries.

“The fields look gorgeous,” he said. “They are lush with berries. And they could ripen quickly if the sun comes out. Last year, when they came, they came. And it was hard to keep up.”

The growers said they don’t expect any shortage of labor this year because kids will be out of school and able to help in the late harvest, many Mexican workers are looking for work, and other laborers also are looking for employment in the down economy.

“Last year, we started picking the last three days in May,” Beaudoin said. “And we were almost done with strawberries by the time school got out. This year, we’ll start about the time school gets out.”

Dobbins agreed enough pickers will be on hand. “We did our homework and lined up workers early,” he said. “I think the labor force is going to be OK.”

Dean Baker writes about agriculture. Reach him at 360-735-4511 or e-mail
Source :

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Tas Stroberi

Aksesoris, begitulah kata yang tepat disandingkan kedalam buah stroberi. Banyak sekali aksesoris-aksesoris (tas, baju, bantal, gantungan kunci, cangkir) menggunakan latar strowberi sebagai artisnya. Ya memang buah ini disamping memiliki nilai ekonomis secara budidaya, stroberi memiliki arti ekonomis juga dalam dunia fashion dan indrustri. Salah satunya adalah gambar Tas Stroberi ini, stroberi Fashion begitulah jabatan yang tepat untuk tas ini. Nah maka jangan salah jika setiap wisata agro stroberi selalu lengkap dengan pernak-pernik aksesorisnya. Silahkan cari saja di mesin Google banyak sekali aksesoris-aksesoris dibuat berdasarkan inspirasi buah ini. Maka bagi para pengunjung blog unifarm stroberi bisa juga menyasar peluang di bidang aksesoris stroberi ini. Peluangnya sangat besar sekali. Silahkan berkunjung ke website ini
oleh : agus candra, SP


Stroberi, Buah Menarik yang Berkhasiat

n JAKARTA- Bentuknya cantik, warnanya menarik, ditambah rasanya juga banyak disuka. Tak heran kalau stroberi (Fragaria ananassa) sering dipakai sebagai perasa tambahan selain cokelat, baik itu untuk es krim, sirup, atau kue-kuean. Namun tidak banyak yang tahu bahwa buah berwarna merah merekah ini juga mengandung sejumlah khasiat medis.
Warga Rosaceae ini mengandung antioksidan bernama ellagic acid , yang pada beberapa studi terbukti dapat menghalangi pertumbuhan tumor dalam paru-paru, osephagus, payudara, cervix dan lidah. Sementara itu, penelitian di Amerika mengatakan stroberi dapat mengurangi risiko kanker dari asap rokok. Sebagai obat tradisional, stroberi diyakini memiliki antibakteri dan digunakan sebagai pembersih sistem pencernaan.
Stroberi adalah jenis buah yang hampir tidak dapat dicerna namun banyak mengandung vitamin C. Stroberi mudah busuk sehingga jarang disimpan lama melainkan dimakan pada saat itu. Perempuan dewasa disarankan makan lima buah stroberi per hari demi menjaga kesehatan tubuhnya.
Tanaman yang tumbuh dengan baik di iklim sejuk ini bukan hanya berkhasiat pada buahnya saja, melainkan juga pada daunnya. Jika daun stroberi direbus, air dapat digunakan untuk mencuci dan mengobati kudis dan luka-luka. Daun yang telah direbus itu kemudiannya ditempel ke bagian luka .
Air rebusan daun stroberi juga berkhasiat untuk menjaga kesihatan mulut. Caranya dengan berkumur menggunakan air rebusan itu adalah bertujuan menguatkan untuk gusi dan gigi serta mengobati luka dalam mulut.
Selain buah dan daun, jus stroberi yang biasanya dihidangkan sebagai minuman juga bernilai tinggi dalam pengobatan tradisional. Ia amat berkesan bagi mengatasi masalah sembelit di samping bertindak sebagai astringen bagi meredakan demam dan juga untuk membersihkan gigi.
Nama buah stroberi berasal dari bahasa Inggris kuno, streawberige, yakni berarti sedotan (straw) dan buah beri (berry).(mer)

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Bisnis Strawberry

Berbisnis strawberry layak dijajaki. Selain meraup untung dari penjualan, pekebun juga masih memetik laba sampingan dari usaha agrowisata. Yus Ariyanto dan Winuranto Adhi (Batu, Malang) Nun di pegunungan, ternyata ada ragam pilihan berbisnis yang pantas dijajaki. Di antaranya yang sedang marak belakangan ini adalah berkebun strawberry (fraga vesca).

Coba saja lihat, di Lembang dan Ciwidey, Bandung (Jawa Barat), atau Batu di Malang (Jawa Timur), boleh dibilang jenis buah-buahan ini mulai digemari para petani di sana.

Maraknya perkebunan strawberry bukan semata karena hobi.

Tapi, layaknya hukum pasar, hal itu juga dipicu oleh permintaan yang tinggi. Sayang, produksinya masih relatif kecil. Bakat komersial strawberry sudah tampak dari penampilannya. Dengan warna merah segar berbentuk bak jantung hati, serta rasa yang asam-asam manis, boleh dibilang buah ini begitu merangsang, terutama di kalangan anak-anak dan remaja boleh jadi ini juga memicu produksi sinetron Strawberry yang dibintangi oleh Rachel Maryam. Nyatanya, konsumen belia ini bisa membeli buah strawberry segar nyaris di setiap supermarket. Tapi, konsumen yang rakus melahap strawberry adalah mereka yang berasal dari industri farmasi dan minuman. Selain menjadi bahan baku vitamin C, sari buah ini juga bisa diperas untuk dijadikan sirop. Hal tersebut sudah dilakukan misalnya oleh PT Kusuma Satria Dinasasri Wisatajaya Agrowisata di Batu, Malang. Perusahaan ini yang kondang dengan bisnis hotelnya di lereng Gunung Panderman serta kebun apel, sayuran, dan strawberry juga dikenal berhasil mengembangkan wisata agro. Sejak memulai usahanya pada tahun 1996, perusahaan itu sempat dibuat pusing. Sebab, produksi kebun strawberry-nya tak pernah maksimal. Setelah diselidiki, rupanya jenis tanaman ini sulit dikembangkan pada iklim yang terlalu basah. Jika dipaksakan, produk ini jadi rentan terhadap hama, jamur, bakteri, ulat tanah, dan rayap. Begitu juga jika berkebun di lahan terbuka, menurut Teguh Suprijanto (Manajer Operasional PT Kusuma), buahnya akan cepat busuk, apalagi ketika musim hujan.
Sumber :

Pelatihan Budidaya Stroberi

Unifarm Stroberi menerima pelatihan Budidaya Stroberi sistem Hidrofonik Lahan Terbuka, peserta pelatihan akan mendapatkan pelatihan-pelatihan :
1. Budidaya Stroberi secara lengkap (Pembibitan Stroberi secara vegetatif, pemupukan Stroberi secara Hidrofonik sehingga menghasilkan buah yang manis dan membuat tanaman rajin berbuah)
2. Pelatihan membuat Media tanam Stroberi yang baik.
3. Pengenalan jenis-jenis Stroberi varietas-varietas unggul.
4. Paket Konsultasi dan pendampingan sampai dengan sukses membuka lahan stroberi dan agrowisata tanaman stroberi petik sendiri.
5. Pemasaran Stroberi.
6. Efisiensi Lahan, dengan lahan yang sedikit akan menghasilkan keuntungan lebih dengan sistem pot bertumpuk.
7. Pengenalan varietas Introduksi luar negeri yang tahan cuaca panas.
Disaping itu jika ingin bekerjasama untuk pembukaan agrowisata tanaman stroberi kami bisa menyediakan 1000 bibit tanaman stroberi introduksi dari luar negeri :
dengan keunggulan buah besar warna merah.

Jika anda berminat, silahkan menghubungi Bapak Dadan Suherlan Selaku petani stroberi dan peneliti Stroberi varietas unggul di HP 08164634032 atau Agus Candra Suratmaja, SP di 081322249040. Setiap peserta pelatihan akan diberikan pelatihan secara langsung di kebun kami di daerah Green Hill Cipanas-Cianjur.

Trima kasih

Mr. Dadan Suherlan
Plant Breeder Of Stroberi
HP 08164634032

Agus Candra Suratmaja
Plant Breeder and Webmaster Unifarm Stroberi
email :
HP. 081322249040

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


The Garden strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa and related cultivars) is the most common variety of strawberry cultivated worldwide. Like other species of Fragaria (strawberries), it belongs to the family Rosaceae. Technically, its fruit is known as an accessory fruit, in that the fleshy part is derived not from the plant's ovaries (achenes) but from the peg at the bottom of the bowl-shaped hypanthium that holds the ovaries.

The Garden Strawberry was first bred in Europe in the early 18th century, and represents the accidental cross of Fragaria virginiana from eastern North America, which was noted for its flavor, and Fragaria chiloensis from Chile, which was noted for its large size.

Cultivars of Fragaria × ananassa have replaced in commercial production the Woodland Strawberry, which was the first strawberry species cultivated in the early 17th century.

The typical cultivated strawberry comes from the Americas, and is a hybrid of the North America F. virginiana and the South American F. chiloensis, developed through accidental hybridization in the early 18th century. The F. chiloensis clones brought from Europe were exclusively female, and thus had to be planted with pollen sources to obtain fruit, resulting in hybrid seed from which F. × ananassa is believed to have arisen, probably around Brest, France.

[edit] Name
The name Fragaria comes from "fragans," meaning odorous, referring to the perfumed flesh of the fruit.

Several theories exist in popular etymology as to the origin of the English name "straw" berry:

It could come from gardeners' practice of mulching strawberries with straw to protect the fruits from rot (a pseudoetymology that can be found in non-linguistic sources such as the Old Farmer's Almanac 2005).
It might derive from the Anglo-Saxon verb for "strew" (meaning to spread around) which was streabergen (Strea means "strew" and Bergen means "berry" or "fruit") and thence to streberie, straiberie, strauberie, straubery, strauberry, and finally, "strawberry," the word which we use today. The name might have come from the fact that the fruit and various runners appear "strewn" along the ground.
Strawberries may have received their name from the long-time practice of packing the delicate fruit in straw.
The Online Etymological Dictionary states that the origins of the name are uncertain, but that it may refer to the seeds on the fruit, which look somewhat like straw-chaff.[1]


Fragaria × ananassa 'Gariguette,' a cultivar grown in southern France.Strawberry varieties vary remarkably in size, color, flavor, shape, degree of fertility, season of ripening, liability to disease and constitution of plant. Some vary in foliage, and some vary materially in the relative development of their sexual organs. In most cases the flowers appear hermaphroditic in structure, but function as either male or female.

For purposes of commercial production, plants are propagated from runners and generally distributed as either bare root plants or plugs. Cultivation follows one of two models, annual plasticulture or a perennial system of matted rows or mounds. A small amount of strawberries are also produced in greenhouses during the off season.

The bulk of modern commercial production uses the plasticulture system. In this method, raised beds are formed each year and covered with plastic, which prevents weed growth and erosion, under which is run irrigation tubing. Plants, usually obtained from northern nurseries, are planted through holes punched in this covering. Runners are removed from the plants as they appear, to encourage the plants to put most of their energy into fruit development. At the end of the harvest season, the plastic is removed and the plants are plowed into the ground. Because strawberry plants more than a year or two old begin to decline in productivity and fruit quality, this system of replacing the plants each year allows for improved yields and denser plantings. However, because it requires a longer growing season to allow for establishment of the plants each year, and because of the increased costs in terms of forming and covering the mounds and purchasing plants each year, it is not always practical in all areas.

The other major method is to maintain the same plants from year to year. The runners of established plants should be allowed to root in the soil adjoining the plants, which should, therefore, be kept light and fine, or layered into small pots as for forcing. As soon as a few leaves are produced on each the secondary runners should be stopped. When the plants have become well-rooted they should at once be planted out. They do best in a rather strong loam, and should be kept tolerably moist. The ground should be trenched 50-100 cm deep, and supplied with plenty of manure, a good proportion of which should lie just below the roots, 25-30 cm from the surface. The plants may be put in on an average about 50-60 cm apart.

The plantation should be renewed every second or third year, or less frequently if kept free of runners, if the old leaves are cut away after the fruit has been gathered, and if a good top-dressing of rotten dung or leaf mold is applied. A top-dressing of loam is beneficial if applied before the plants begin to grow in spring, but after that period they should not be disturbed during the summer either at root or at top. If the plants produce a large number of flower-scapes, each should, if fine large fruit is desired, have them reduced to about four of the strongest. The lowest blossoms on the scape will be found to produce the largest, earliest and best fruits. The fruit should not be gathered until it is quite ripe, and then, if possible, it should be quite dry, but not heated by the sun. Those intended for preserving are best taken without the stalk and the calyx.

A mulching of straw manure put between the rows in spring serves to keep the ground moist and the fruit clean, as well as to afford nourishment to the plants. Unless required, the runners are cut off early, in order to promote the swelling of the fruit. The plants are watered during dry weather after the fruit is set, and occasionally until it begins to colour. As soon as the fruit season is over, the runners are again removed, and the ground hoed and raked.

Fragaria × ananassa 'Chandler,' a short day commercial variety grown in California.Strawberries are often grouped according to their flowering habit. Traditionally, this has consisted of a division between "June-bearing" strawberries, which bear their fruit in the early summer and "Ever-bearing" strawberries, which often bear several crops of fruit throughout the season. More recently, research has shown that strawberries actually occur in three basic flowering habits: short day, long day, and day neutral. These refer to the day length sensitivity of the plant and the type of photoperiod which induces flower formation. Day neutral cultivars produce flowers regardless of the photoperiod. Most commercial strawberries are either short day or day neutral.

While rarely if ever done commercially, strawberries may also be propagated by seed, and a few seed propagated cultivars have been developed for home use. Seeds are acquired commercially or saved from fruit ripened early in the summer. They may at once be sown, either in a sheltered border outdoors or in pots, or better in March under glass, when they will produce fruits in June of the same year. The soil should be rich and light, and the seeds very slightly covered by sifting over them some leaf-mould or old decomposed cow dung. When the plants appear and have made five or six leaves, they are transplanted to where they are to remain for bearing. The seeds sown in pots may be helped on by gentle heat, and when the plants are large enough they are pricked out in fine rich soil, and in June transferred to the open ground for bearing.

[edit] Pollination
Most cultivars are somewhat self fertile, but good bee activity has been shown to improve pollination, which results in larger and better shaped berries. Commercial growers sometimes place beehives within range of the fields to increase bee populations.

[edit] Forcing

Ripe and unripe strawberries.The runners propagated for forcing are layered into 75 mm pots, filled with rich soil, and held firm by a piece of raffia, a peg or stone. If kept duly watered they will soon form independent plants. The earlier they are secured the better.

When firmly rooted they are removed and transferred into well-drained 150 mm pots, of strong well-enriched loam, the soil being rammed firmly into the pots, which are to be set in an open airy place. In severe frosts they should be covered with dry litter or bracken, but do not necessarily require to be placed under glass. They are moved into the forcing houses as required.

The main points to be kept in view in forcing strawberries are:

use strong stocky plants, the leaves of which have grown sturdily from being well exposed to light, and
grow them slowly until the fruit is set.

1890 watercolor of strawberries (cultivar 'Parker Earle').When they are first introduced into heat, the temperature should not exceed 8°C to 10°C, and air must be freely admitted; should the leaves appear to grow up thin and delicate, less fire heat and more air must be given, but an average temperature of 13°C by day may be allowed and continued while the plants are in flower.

When the fruit is set the heat may be gradually increased, till at the ripening period it stands at 18°C to 24°C by sun heat. While the fruit is swelling the plants should never be allowed to get dry, but when it begins to colour no more water should be given than is absolutely requisite to keep the leaves from flagging. The plants should be removed from the house as soon as the crop is gathered. The forced plants properly hardened make first-rate outdoor plantations, and if put out early in summer, in good ground, will often produce a useful autumnal crop.

[edit] Pests
A number of species of Lepidoptera feed on strawberry plants; for details see this list.

[edit] Diseases
See also: List of strawberry diseases
The most troublesome fungoid attacks to which the strawberry is subject are mildew, leaf spot and leaf blight. The former, like all mildews, attacks the leaves and spreads to the fruit, these being covered with the white mycelium. The fungus is identical with that causing mildew in hops (Sphaerotheca humuli), and its development is greatly furthered by exposure of its host to cold draughts or low night temperatures. Spraying the foliage with potassium sulfide (K2S) (mixed with water at a 1:40 ratio by volume) should hold it in check, but the plants should not be sprayed when the fruit is developing.

Leaf spot is caused by the fungus Sphaerella fragariae, The first symptom of this attack is the appearance of small, circular, white spots on the leaves, having a broad, definite, dark reddish margin.

On these spots a whitish mould develops, and this is followed later by the perfect form of the fungus, the fruits of which appear to the naked eye as small black spots seated on the white dead spot on the leaf. Potassium sulfide may be used as for the mildew, or, perhaps better, Bordeaux mixture. Some recommend cutting off the leaves after fruiting and turn the beds over so as to destroy the fungus in the leaves.

Leaf blight is caused by the fungus Phomopsis obscurans. The symptoms begin as one to several circular reddish-purple spots on a leaflet. Spots enlarge to V-shaped lesions with a light brown inner zone and dark brown outer zone. Lesions follow major veins progressing inward. A copper sulphate containing spray like Bordeaux mixture will help control this disease.

The grubs of the cockchafer (Meloloniha vulgaris) and the rose chafer (Cetonia aurata) frequently feed upon the roots of the strawberry and do considerable damage, while the larvae of the Ghost Moth (Hepialus humuli) and garden swift moth behave in a similar way. The imago of Cetonia aurala also frequently damages the flowers of the strawberry by devouring their centres, and is often troublesome in this way in forcing-houses particularly. The carnivorous ground beetles, particularly Pterostichus nigra and Harpalus rufimanus, when the fruit is ripe attack it at night, returning to the soil in the daytime. They are to be caught by placing jars containing some attractive matter, such as meat and water, at intervals about the beds with their mouths sunk level with the surface of the soil. Millipedes also are often found in the ripe fruit, but occur mostly where the soil is very rich in organic matter and poor in lime. Slugs and snails also snack on the fruit, as do birds. Slug pellets can be used to reduce their numbers, with child and animal safe versions available. Organic solutions to slug attacks include beer baiting.

[edit] Production trends

Strawberry output in 2005The FAO reports that the United States was the top producer of strawberry worldwide in 2005 followed by Spain.

[edit] Uses

StrawberriesIn addition to being consumed fresh, strawberries are frozen or made into preserves. Strawberries are a popular addition to dairy products, as in strawberry flavored ice cream, milkshakes, smoothies and yogurts. Strawberry pie is also popular. Strawberries can be used as a natural acid/base indicator. They are dried and used in cereal bars. They are supposedly used for whitening teeth. They can be crushed and made into an exfoliant for skin.[2]

[edit] Apocryphal
Madam Tallien, a great figure of the French Revolution, who was nicknamed Our Lady of Thermidor, used to take baths full of strawberries to keep the full radiance of her skin.[citation needed]

Fontenelle, centenarian writer and gourmet of the 18th century, believed his longevity was due to eating strawberries.[citation needed]

Strawberries were considered poisonous in Argentina until the mid-nineteenth century.[who?]

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